Never Late Nate: An Attendance Superhero

A Black student dressed as a super hero with three young Black children.

Around 1 in 4 Baltimore City pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students are chronically absent, meaning they miss 10% or more of the school year (Baltimore Student Attendance Campaign (November 1, 2011). Opportunity Scan: Attendance in the Early Grades (PreK-3)). Chronic absenteeism in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten can predict lower test scores, poor attendance and retention in later grades. (Attendance Works. Attendance in the Early Grades.)

Unfortunately, few tools exist to raise awareness of the importance of attendance in the early grades and to support students and parents in building healthy attendance habits.

When students in Wide Angle Youth Media’s Design Team learned about the shockingly high absenteeism rate among Baltimore’s youngest learners, they felt compelled to do something about it. Their solution? Kid friendly attendance superheroes, Never Late Nate and Never Late Kate.

Never Late Nate is a campaign created by the Wide Angle Design Team in collaboration with students, teachers, and non-profits. To insure the success of the campaign, students in the Design Team read articles on the importance of school attendance in the early grades, brainstormed ideas, explored best practices for kid-friendly design, created student personas, met with teachers and early childhood experts, and conducted a focus group with pre-kindergarten students.

Our Never Late Nate toolkit below includes a short animated series, a free Never Late Nate game, an attendance activity book, and downloadable resources such as classroom posters and daily checklists.


Attendance superhero Never Late Nate is preparing for another successful day at school when his cat Fluffy alerts him that there is a student on the verge of being late. Nate flies over to help but learns that the student in need is not the only person waiting for him…



Never Late Nate comes to Kate’s rescue in the long awaited second episode of Never Late Nate!



Get the App! Help Never Late Nate get to school on time in the Never Late Nate game available HERE.

The Never Late Nate game was designed by young people in a Wide Angle Youth Media workshop and developed by young people at Code in the Schools. This special project was supported by the Casey Fund for Youth Leadership of the Baltimore Community Foundation.



Open Society Institute-Baltimore
The Baltimore School Climate Collaborative
Baltimore Education Research Consortium
AARP Foundation Experience Corps
Wide Angle Youth Media